"You Can Overcome" With Katie Rutherford

"If there would never been a struggle, I wouldn't have this message to share. You are loved and you are worthy." - Katie Rutherford

My interview with Katie, WNBF + OCB Figure World Champion and Elite Raw 72kg powerlifter, was a great reminder of how our stories are all different and worthy of sharing. 

It's through sharing our stories and our struggles that we can relate to others. 

This is the first episode of the Strong Woman Project, and I hope that you love it as much as I do. (The interview was originally done for my future book, so please excuse the typing in the background!)

Find Katie on IG: @katieanne100

If you have comments or feedback, you can find me on IG: @hannahdeindorfer or shoot me a message hannahdeindorfer@gmail.com. I'd love to hear from you!

Hannah Deindorfer