"Redefine Beauty" With Carleen Matthews

Carleen Mathews is a two-time CrossFit Games athlete who's lived her entire life in pursuit of her dreams. She has consistently fought for herself, taking steps forward to live her life in alignment with her true self.

She's overcome an eating disorder, and a drug and alcohol addiction to become the owner of CrossFit Saint Helens in Oregon and a powerful force for good in this world. She currently runs and operates a program Power C.L.E.A.N, out of CrossFit St. Helens that is free to anyone with at least 48 hours clean and sober.

Photo by: https://www.instagram.com/busmanphotos/?hl=en

Photo by: https://www.instagram.com/busmanphotos/?hl=en

Her life is a testament to human will, and proof that we can overcome, be more, AND give back to the world. We can be a light, despite the darkness that exists within all of us.

How do you think your involvement in CrossFit has affected your sense of self and body image?

CrossFit has helped me redefine beauty. It's helped me learn to embrace my body for what it can do as opposed to how it looks.


What was your body image like before starting CrossFit?

Before CrossFit, I wanted to be frail. I looked at the number on the scale for my worth, and constantly looked for attention for what I looked like.

How does your sense of self relate to the CrossFit community?

The CrossFit community has helped me to learn so much about myself. It has supported me and allowed me to be an athlete again. I am not defined by being only a CrossFit Games Athlete, but CrossFit has given me the space to be who I am.  And a place to be ok!


If you could describe your relationship with your body in one word, what would it be? Has CrossFit changed that?

My relationship with my body is "moody." Haha it's an ongoing struggle. CrossFit now is so much about having six-pack abs and there's so much attention around what you look like.

So, it's an ebb and flow. To say I have no body image insecurities anymore would be a lie. However, I do have something to lean into when those feelings come up.

If you could give one piece of advice to women everywhere, what would you tell them?

The world is not what we see on social media. 

What is one piece of advice that you'd give your younger self?

Don't try to be someone you're not.


And what about your future self? What would you say is the key to living your life going forward?

Giving back is one of the most important things you can do.


Carleen on IG: @teamcarleen

Hannah Deindorfer