"Give Away Your Gift" With Zionna Hanson

Each of us has a unique story to tell. Sharing our stories empowers others to share their own. Finding our gifts and our paths always has twists and turns and moments of doubt and beauty.

This woman, Z Hanson, is an individual who has twisted and turned through her life path with the grace of a beautiful dance and come out as a force to be reckoned with. She is the CEO of powerhouse nonprofit Barbells for Boobs, a mother, an international level masters Olympic Weightlifter, and one of my good friends.


In this interview, I shared a bit of my story, Z shared her story with me and left me with so many valuable lessons that I revisit every day. The most important one for me has been the advice to “Find your gift, and give it away.”

As you listen to this interview, I encourage you to find your own nuggets, apply it to your life, and enjoy the inspiration and sparks that flow so easily out of Z.

Thank you, Z, for the light you bring to this world and to my life.


Hannah Deindorfer