"I'm a Warrior" With Kristi Brewer

This woman came into my sphere of awareness like a lightning bolt! When I connected with Kristi on Instagram (@k_mighty) a few weeks ago, I was totally smitten with her badassery.


Kristi is a special needs mom, a co-founder of auya.com, a strong AF Olympic Weightlifter (as in a Master World Record holder in the 63kg weight class), and an inspiration for me and so many others. Not only is she all of those tangible things, she has a fire, a passion, and a lightness that I could actually FEEL through her expressive social media posts and videos.

Long story short, she fawkin rocks, and so did her answers to my questions. Enjoy!

Q: Can you explain a bit about your sport and how long you’ve been doing it?

I have been a weightlifter for almost 3 years now. I would consider myself competitive. In the open division I am ranked nationally and in the masters division I am a world champion and world record holder.


I plan a lot of my activities around training. I work in training around my kids schedules and vacations.

Q: How do you think weightlifting affects your body image and self confidence?

It has helped me significantly with self confidence. I struggled with self confidence and being myself when I was younger, and once I had children and grew older I became more confident in who I am. I do struggle with comparison and confidence. It comes and goes and it is an ever-evolving strength that needs work.

Weightlifting helped me a ton with body image. I've always been thick— thick thighs, thick calves and stronger than most boys and men my age. I finally found a sport where that strength and thickness is celebrated.


Q: How do you relate who you are to the weightlifting community?

I think that a lot of who I am is wrapped up in my sport.

Being competitive and being able to be a mom is very much who I am. The community sees me as a competitive weightlifting special needs mom.


Q: How do you think your life would be different if you had never been involved in sport?

That is hard to imagine, it has been in my blood since I was born. I'm a very competitive person. If I didn't compete in sport I would have competed in something. I love and hate the challenge.

Q: How would you describe your relationship with your body?


My body is a warrior and it is capable of amazing things. When I was young I was strong, fast and able to do many things. Now that I am older, my body still keeps up with the crazy tasks I ask it to do.

I am always on the go with my kids and my body is able to keep up. It is usually my mind I have to convince sometimes. Over the years, I see that my body can be stronger, and that age is not going to stop that. I can still push my physical limits.

Q: If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?

Also warrior! It is funny because I hate the word supermom.

It drives me nuts when people say that I am a supermom. In my opinion if you are a supermom you have it figured out and don't fail (no one is here) but being a warrior is one who can get up after they fail. It is one who can push through trials. It is one with grit.

Grit is one of my favorite words and I strive to have that perseverance to keep on showing up— when it is easy, when it is tough, and when I want to quit.

Q: What is one piece of advice that you would give your younger self?

Stop trying to fit in. Stop trying to make others like you.

There are millions and billions of people out there, be yourself and you will find the people who like you for being you.

Q: What is something you want your future self to remember about this moment in your life now?

Slow down, and be more patient. I get in a hurry to often with myself and with my kids. When in reality, I'm 37 and they are so young.

There is still so much of life to live. Each day I need to slow down and enjoy the fact that I am able to lift. Enjoy the million questions I get asked and simple pleasures with my kids.

Q: What is one piece of advice you would give to every woman in the world?

Be more kind to yourself and to others.


You never know what others battles people are fighting. We could all use a little more kindness and positive energy. True genuine kindness and compassion.

Hannah Deindorfer